CJ Mum named Londoner of the Day

London Star Hadas Hagos

London Star Hadas Hagos

Londoner of the Day goes to a Battersea mum for her work helping out at a self-help group for hard-pressed parents.

Hadas Hagos is a member of WOW, or Women of Wandsworth, a self-help group of local mums who meet weekly to discuss ways of improving their lives, and the lives of their children.

For three and a half years Hadas has helped WOW by balancing the books and by offering practical help however she can.

Hadas said ““I’m surprised. I suppose they must value my contribution. It is all about helping families with children from low income backgrounds to expand their horizons.”

“I have no family around me so this is like an alternative family. It’s very important. It’s makes me feel so good to help at WOW.” She added.

If you would like to nominate someone for a future Londoner of the Day mention you can email London24 editor Simon Bull at simon.bull@archant.co.uk


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